To get to the root cause of a struggle within the mind or body, it is important to focus on psychotherapeutic methods that target the stress or trauma that is being held within the unconscious brain. Brain-body based approaches as well as ego state therapies are beneficial in targeting unconsciously held traumas.
Brainspotting is a brain-body therapeutic approach that utilizes bio-lateral sound, eye positions, and mindful awareness to access where trauma is stored in the unconscious brain and body, and allow it to process out in a safe and grounded manner.
Internal Family Systems is an ego state therapy that focuses on a person’s system of interconnected parts. Becoming mindfully aware of parts and reconnecting with them reduces internal conflict and blocks to healing while increasing self-compassion.
If a person does not feel ready to address their unconsciously held traumas and wants to build up healthy coping skills and awareness into their system, other psychotherapeutic approaches may be beneficial.
Mindfulness is an approach that focuses on increasing awareness, increasing self-compassion, and increasing empathy for others. This can be done through a myriad of exercises and meditations.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a cognitive approach mixed with the Eastern philosophy of Mindfulness that focuses on building awareness of emotions, thoughts, and urges. It also focuses on replacing harmful coping skills with more effective coping strategies. Dialectical Behavior Therapy does this through 4 different modules, including Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. DBT also utilizes Diary Cards to track emotions, reactions, and coping skills.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a cognitive approach that focuses on becoming aware of negative belief patterns and challenging or reframing them.
A single approach or a blend of multiple different psychotherapies can be helpful throughout a person’s journey to rebalancing their system. It is important for each person to find out what works best for them.